Blattübersicht der ANAVASI-Karten: Griechenland Nord und Mitte Nord-Ägäis Peloponnes Ägäis Kreta Prespa is a region where landscapes of unique beauty and exceptional biodiversity coexist with notable Byzantine monuments and traditional villages. Prespa hosts the world’s largest breeding colony of Dalmatian Pelican and another 260 species of birds. Short and long hikes figuring on the map will take you to the most enchanting places. Mount Voras or Kaimaktsalan (altitude 2524m), has a ski resort with a magnificent view near its summit and the famous Pozar thermal baths at its foot. Dozens of hiking trails cross its wooded slopes. The map highlights a total of 22 hiking and 8 cycling routes as well as the routes of the European paths E4 and E6 Kartenausschnitt
Prespa - Mt. Varnous - Mt. Vitsi - Mt. Voras - Topografische Bergwanderkarte Westmakedonien - Griechenland 1:50.000 (Blatt 6.2) Anavasi - Griechenland
EAN / ISBN: 9789609412278
Preis: EUR 10.80